Conclusion: adapt to the 21st century The management processes of most organizations are articulated around processes, planning, budgets and annual evaluations. The entire system is set up to respond and work with a deliberate strategy set once a year. Fixed objectives, annual processes, no learning integrated into the organization.
However, the current organizational culture requires large doses of adaptability to face the continuous changes in the environment. This marks a Whatsapp Mobile Number List before and after in strategic planning. The basic principles of the classical approach must be exploited, but updated for the current, uncertain and changing reality.
In the 21st century, more and more organizations need an emerging strategy Social and labor insertion companies are born to fight against social exclusion, although it is still a business initiative, which combines business knowledge with the most conventional processes of the economy. This type of company produces goods and services, but favors the quality of life, enhances people's services, as well as being quite profitable and competitive.