With a new core update the pages will load well in seconds or less. Input Latency page experience according to which measures the time from when a user first interacts with a page to when the browser is actually able to start processing event handlers in response to that interaction. In the past web pages were rendered non-interactively and the initial view was static and all user interaction had to be done by clicking a link or button.
We will These pages are called static pages or preloaded. As more and more of our experiences move online these old models are no longer sufficient. In its place is a new paradigm Latest Mailing Database where web pages provide an interactive user experience from the initial view. How fast you respond to button clicks Many techniques have been implemented in the modern era of web design to increase the interaction between users and websites.
This is important because interactive sites are more engaging and keep visitors on the page. Interactivity is an important part of the web experience. We often talk about how a site affects efficiency and performance which is an important aspect of engagement. If your website feels slow like it's not responding to user input people will quickly get frustrated and leave. Or worse they won't even click in the first place. A good one in Google's new page rank algorithm is milliseconds or less.