These competencies are analyzed by experts who intervene as mere observers. Next, we will focus on individual interviews , whether face-to-face or remote, and we will classify them according to whether they are biographical or behavioral interviews, the latter also called critical incident interviews or Behavioral Event Interviews. Biographical interviews: they are the most common and in them the candidate's curriculum vitae is reviewed.
They tend to focus on their academic and, above all, professional experience, although sometimes they get into the personal field. This interference depends on the buy email database professionalism of the interviewer, the legal protection of the candidate and the culture of the country, the sector and the organization. Behavioral interviews: the defenders of this type of interviews start from the assumption that the best predictor of the future behavior of a candidate in an organization.
A certain role is the behavior that they may have had in the past in similar situations. It is not easy to carry out this type of interview and therefore it is convenient that the interviewer receive training in this regard to identify relevant situations and obtain information on the strongest and weakest skills of each candidate. Here are some tips for conducting a behavioral interview: As in any interview.