For example a study was conducted in which one group of people had to give the result of the equation in seconds . The second group had the same task but the equation was reversed. Although the result of both equations is exactly the same the average result for the first group of people was and for the second . Where did this difference come from? Both groups suggested the initial numbers. In the case of the first group they were low hence they estimated lower results. How to use it in email marketing? Apply a priority effect The view that the recipient will see after opening your email is a rectangle with dimensions of approximately x px.
It should be enough to convince the reader to take the desired action e.g. to go to a landing page with a given offer. Therefore the main text graphics and call to action rectangle. It is worth checking your templates whatsapp mobile number list with heat maps. Sometimes you can clearly see which layout is better because it absorbs the attention of the recipients on what the marketer cares about i.e. the offer. Below you can see an example from heat maps In the first view the human eye first focuses on the main slogan of the campaign and products and only then on the company logo.
In the second case the eyes stop at the logo which is at the very top thus devoting little attention to the products. Apply contrast and ambient effect Research confirms that if you show three different offers next to each other in the mailing in the order cheapest average and most expensive then the middle one will usually attract the most attention. People are often afraid of buying something that is the cheapest or something that they think is too expensive. Therefore if you want to convince people to buy a given product put it inside. On the left it should be accompanied by another much cheaper but also worse quality product.